On December 14, 2022, the Advisory Council to evaluate completed products The project to build a database system on construction norms and prices for management of construction investment costs had a working session to listen to reports on project implementation results, thematic evaluation reports; Review and evaluate the finished product of the project.
Building a database system on construction norms and prices is one of the tasks under Project 2038 on perfecting the system of construction norms and prices approved by the Prime Minister. The project was assigned by the Ministry of Construction to the Construction Economics Department to preside over the construction. After the implementation period, up to now, the database system has been completed and built.
The database system has been trialled, granted accounts and trained and used instructions for specialized agencies of the Ministries of specialized construction management, Department of Construction, Department of Public Administration. specialized construction processes of localities, … to exploit, use and provide information for the database system.
In order to evaluate comprehensively, objectively and to complete and supplement the functions and data of the database system, the Department of Construction Economics has written to collect opinions from the Department of Construction of localities and cities. Set up an advisory council to evaluate the finished product of the project. In addition to the leaders of the Department of Construction Economics and the leaders of specialized departments of the Department of Construction Economics, there were also experts from the Institute of Construction Economics and the Vietnam Construction Economics Association. Nam, Information Center – Ministry of Construction, Institute of Construction Informatics – Hanoi University of Civil Engineering and Hanoi Department of Construction.
Dr. Hoang Anh Tuan – Deputy Director of Construction Economics Department, Chairman of the Council chaired the working session of the Advisory Council to evaluate the finished product of the Project, attended by Mr. Dam Duc Bien – Director Department of Construction Economics, along with members of the Advisory Council, representatives of the project management unit, the project implementing unit and the construction supervision unit.
Speaking at the opening of the conference, Comrade Dam Duc Bien emphasized the purpose, meaning and importance of the Database System, thereby showing the need for comments and assessments of experts. to complete the functions of the database system within the scope of the approved project content.

After the opening speech, Dr. Hoang Anh Tuan, Chairman of the Council chaired the working session, and in turn invited representatives of the project management unit and the project implementing unit: Software Technology Joint Stock Company. Harmony software, the construction supervision unit reports the project implementation results and related contents. It is known that the project implementation report has been forwarded to the Council members for research, preparation of comments and evaluation from the end of October 2022. Summary of comments and opinions on difficulties and problems in using and exploiting the database system of localities were also announced at the conference.

Next, members of the thematic evaluation panel announced the evaluation results, specifically including thematic assessments: Dr. Nguyen Pham Quang Tu – Deputy Director of the Institute of Construction Economics, Ministry of Construction: Evaluation Database thematic prices. Mr. Nguyen Ngoc Quang – Director of Information Center, Ministry of Construction: Thematic assessment of information technology infrastructure. Mr. Nguyen The Anh – Vice President and General Secretary of Vietnam Construction Economics Association: Thematic assessment of internal software.